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民族自治地方政府在新一轮机构改革中进行了历史性变革和系统性重塑,然而顶层设计与分层对接机制优化、机构设置细化与整合、运转协同和效能提升仍未完全到位。回溯机构改革史,中华人民共和国成立初期作为政府顶层设计和系统性构建阶段,是民族自治地方政府机构建设最富成效的历史时期之一。这一时期的民族自治地方政府机构建设强调权能配置和人员构成的民族性,逐步差异化设置机构、探索单一制下政府机构平衡设置等历史经验,可以为进一步深化政府机构改革提供有益借鉴。在新的历史起点上深化民族自治地方政府机构改革应以新时代中国特色社会主义思想为引领,合理汲取历史养分,进一步深化理论研究,完善法制体系,明晰特殊性职权和民族性职能,健全顶层设计与分层对接机制,创新改革模式,强化地方参与性,切实破解改革难题,推动政府自身建设持续走向深入。  相似文献   
十九大报告中,习近平总书记提出了新时代中国特色社会主义思想这一全新命题。该命题是对马克思主义的继承和发展,是对中国特色社会主义道路自信、理论自信、制度自信和文化自信的当代诠释,为中国特色社会主义的发展、为发展中国家如何进行现代化建设开辟了新的路径。具体来说,习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想有着深厚的历史意义,它不仅促进马克思主义在21世纪的复兴,为处于低谷的国际共产主义运动提供了动力,在共建中共享,为世界和平发展贡献了中国方案和中国智慧,而且开辟了现代化发展的新路向,为发展中国家如何发展提供了镜鉴。  相似文献   

Shared memories shape relations among social movement participants and their organizations. However, scholars often ignore how experience operates as a means of solidifying attachment in group contexts. In contrast, I argue that activism depends on how participants publicly recall events. In this, I integrate a social memory perspective with the examination of activist movements. Through narrative, participants build engagement by presenting the self-in-history as a model for collective action. I refer to this as eventful experience, utilizing memorable moments as a resource for generating commitment. Movements depend upon members communicating the critical moments of their lives, embedding personal timelines in group culture. The linkage of personal experience and public events is a strategy by which individuals motivate collective action. Drawing on a thirty-month ethnography of a progressive senior citizen activist group in Chicago, I examine how members use an awareness of temporality to build a culture of action. Each movement group uses the past experiences of participants to build their culture – what Jasper refers to as taste in tactics, incorporating past successes, present plans, and imagined futures into a call for direct action.  相似文献   
一般而言,历史课及其任课教师是比较受初中起点幼师大学生欢迎的。与此同时,历史课教学中也时常不经意间在教学内容安排、教学方法运用和教学观点表达等方面出现过度教学现象。学生主体地位的异化,教学过程把控失当和教学反思的缺位,是造成过度教学的主要原因。消除过度教学现象的对策主要是坚持教学过程中学生的主体地位,掌握教学有度的艺术和重视教学反思。  相似文献   

The current study compared older children’s (11/12-year-olds) and adolescents’ (14/15-year-olds) vulnerability to false memory creation using two different methods (i.e., the Deese/Roediger-McDermott [DRM] and memory conformity paradigms) involving neutral and negative stimuli. In line with previous research, a developmental reversal effect was found for the DRM paradigm, which means that when employing this method children displayed lower false memory levels than adolescents. However, when using the memory conformity paradigm, the opposite pattern was found, with adolescents forming fewer false memories than children. This indicates that in a co-witness context, adolescents are less prone to memory errors than children. The emotional valence of the stimuli used in both paradigms did not notably affect the production of false memories. There was no statistically significant correlation between false memories as measured by the DRM and the memory conformity paradigms. Altogether, the current study indicates that there is no single type of false memory as different experimental paradigms evoke different types of erroneous recollections. Additionally, our study corroborates past findings in the literature concerning the issue of developmental reversal, strengthening the idea that under certain circumstances children might indeed be better witnesses than adolescents.  相似文献   
Debates in international forums and in mainstream media on the role, responsibility, liability, and response of ecclesiastical authorities of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) toward clerical child sexual abuse (cCSA) fail to take into account the historical roots and awareness of the problem. Reports also fail to mention the historic organizational laws RCC developed over centuries. In contrast, RCC documents evidence that the Catholic Church not only carried century’s old history of cCSA, but also repeatedly condemned cCSA by successive papal authorities, organizational laws, and institutional management mechanisms. During the first millennium, however, church laws remained confined to the bookshelves and were not converted into appropriate management policies and infrastructural models. This was largely due to the absence of a central administrative organizational structure, which developed later in the 12th century, following the Second Council of Lateran (1139) when the Papacy asserted its authority to establish administrative control over the organizational church. It was only then that management policies started to be framed and institutional structures enacted to deal more appropriately with cCSA from the 14th to 20th centuries. Despite this, RCC developed a culture of secrecy using clandestine organizational management models and institutional laws prescribed in 1568, 1622, 1741, 1866, 1922, and 1962 which aimed to manage cCSA. The current study traces reported cCSA as far back as the first century and critically examines the organizational laws, and institutional policies developed by RCC to address clerical sexual misconduct up to the end of the 19th century.  相似文献   

In child custody cases, children oftentimes provide allegations of experienced trauma against one of their parents. Such allegations can happen before any investigative interviews (e.g., by the police or child protective services) have taken place. A central theme here concerns how to appraise such allegations and make certain that children’s accounts are taken seriously. In the current special issue, the focus is on new work on the functioning of children’s memory and its relation to trauma or work on children’s suggestibility and memory when they are traumatized. Specifically, key experts in the field of children’s memory provided contributions on: (1) the impact of interviewer support and rapport building on children’s testimonies, (2) the role of parental alienation in children’s testimonial accuracy, and (3) different types of false memories in children’s memory reports.  相似文献   
文化记忆媒介经历多次嬗变,从口述媒介、书写媒介、印刷媒介到当下的数字媒介。媒介嬗变为文化记忆当下化提供了基本的结构框架,尤其是数字媒介,对文化记忆的储存、传播和表现产生了诸多新影响。首先,它极大地提升了文化记忆的储存能力,也产生了“数字黑暗时代”问题;其次,它有利于传播个体关于文化记忆的观点和评价,放大了各群体间关于文化记忆的认知差异,改变了文化记忆的水平传播和垂直传播;最后,它为文化记忆的表现带来了非线性叙事,产生了超文本和超作者,并为文化记忆文本提供了互文性链接,提高了多叙事主体间互动频率。不仅如此,数字媒介的影响还延展至文化记忆的代际延续和集体认同领域。  相似文献   
民族记忆既是传承民族文化基因的载体,也是彰显民族文化基因的重要文化表征。民族记忆作为延续民族历史和文化基因的内在根基,通过传承民族历史文化、建构民族身份、塑造民族形象等形式传承和彰显民族文化基因的内在特征。以瑶族为代表的少数民族文化基因是中华民族文化基因的重要组成部分,深入挖掘瑶族民族记忆中蕴含的“中华民族共同体”文化基因,并阐释其内在的价值与意义,对培育和铸牢我国各民族的“中华民族共同体”意识有着重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
听说法产生于19世纪40年代的美国,以结构主义语言学和行为主义心理学为基础,主张在对外汉语教学中注重学生口语能力的培养,遵循“听说领先,读写跟上”的原则,经过反复的句型操练,最终使学习者能够灵活地运用所学语言材料进行交际。听说法20世纪60年代传入中国,率先广泛应用于英语教学中,2000年后则成为对外汉语教学重要的教学方法。文章首先梳理国内关于听说法研究的历史演进,然后利用数据统计对我国听说法研究现状进行分析,包括文献发表数量、研究热点、研究内容、实践案例研究来源等。基于以上梳理和分析,文章对听说法研究的反思,重点关注听说法应用于对外汉语教育实践的相关研究所面临的挑战,并提出相应的研究建议,以期为对外汉语教学的深入研究提供参考,从而推进对外汉语教学在“一带一路”建设中发挥重大作用。  相似文献   
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